RHP Plan Updates DY9-10
RHP 15 Stakeholders Forum 2019
- RHP 15 Stakeholder Forum 2019 _ AGENDA
- RHP15_ 094109802_RHP_Plan_Update_LPDS
- RHP15_065086301_RHP_Plan_Update_EPHD
- RHP15_084597603_RHP_Plan_Update_TTUHSC
- RHP15_127346505_RHP_Plan_Update_EHN
- RHP15_130601104_RHP_Plan_Update_PMH
- RHP15_138951211_RHP_Plan_Update_UMC
- RHP15_196829901_RHP_Plan_Update_SPEMC
- RHP15_291854201_RHP_Plan_Update_EPCH
- Cost Analysis Reports _ DY8 R2
- draft_dsrip_transition_plan_cms
- RHP Plan _ Stakeholder Forum _ Nov 25 2019
- Anchor Plan RHP 15 _ Test
- Sign In Sheets _ Nov 25 2019
Quality Improvement
ReAdmissions Task Force
DSRIP Updates - UMC
DY7-DY8 Protocols
- Attachment J _ PFM Protocol DY7_8 011918 Changes Highlighted
- Summary of Proposed DY7_8 Requirements Jan 2018
- Texas Measure Bundle Protocol 01_19_18 FINAL
- 1 Cat C Measure Specifications 20180117 _ Introduction v11
- Category C Measure Specifications 20180420 v15
- 4 Cat C Measure Specifications 20180420 _ CMHC v15
- 3 Cat C Measure Specifications 20180420 _ LHD v15
- Summary of Proposed DY7_8 Requirements
- RHPXX_TPI_CatC_SummerDY7_v07202018
- Cat C Summary Workbook
- Costs _ Savings Guidance DY7_8_8_20
- 2 Cat C Measure Specifications 20181003 _ Hospital and Physician Practice v17
- RHP_ProviderTPI_CatD_OctDY7
- Category C Measure Specifications 20181003 v17
- 4 Cat C Measure Specifications 20181003 _ CMHC v16
- 3 Cat C Measure Specifications 20181003 _ LHD v17
- 2 Cat C Measure Specifications 20181003 _ Hospital and Physician Practice v17 _1_
- Category C Goal Calculator 20190923
- 2 Cat C Measure Specifications 20190308 _ Hospital and Physician Practice v18
DY9-DY10 Protocols
RHP 15 Stakeholders Forum 2018
RHP15 Re-Submission
- Healthy_Paso_del_Norte_2016_report___FINAL_English _1_
- RHP 15 Plan Submission _ Action Plan
- RHP 15 Plan Submission _ Timeline
- RHP15 Plan Submission
- Core Activities Menus _ Aug 2017
- RHP Participation Certifications _ Form
- RHP Plan Update Companion Document v3
- Functional RHP Plan Update Template v03_05_2018
- RHP_15_084597603
- RHP_15_094109802
- RHP_15_130601104
- RHP_15_196829901
- RHP_15_127376505
- RHP_15_065086301
- RHP_15_291854201
- RHP_15_138951211
- RHP_15_Anchor_Template_Rev C _ Apr 25 2018
- RHP_15_Anchor_Template
- RHP Plan _ Stakeholder Forum _ Apr 27 2018
- RHP 15 Regional Tracker
Paso Del Norte Regional Strategic Health Framework
Updated Category 3 Template - Oct 2017 DY6 R2
Updated Category 3 Template - DY6 R1
Category 3 Workbook
RHP Plan - DY1 - DY6
- RHP15_SectionIContacts_2015
- PasoDelNorteRegionalStrategicHealthFramework
- RegionalStrategicHealthFrameworkNeedsAssessmentReport
- Certification_2015_TTUHSC
- Certification_2015_Tenet
- Certification_2015_Puthoff_and_Sweeney
- Certification_2015_LPDS
- Certification_2015_UMC
- Certification_2015_EPCH
- Certification_2015_EHN
- Certification_2015_Andrews_and_Sweeney _1_
- Certification_2015_City_El_Paso
- Certification_2015_Andrews_and_Sweeney
- Certification_2015_EPPC
- RHP_Plan_Template_3_year_projects11202013
- RHP_Plan_Template_3_year_projects11202013
- UMCEP_ExecutiveOverview_Updated May 2015
- Updated Executive Overview
- PasoDelNorteRegionalStrategicHealthFramework
- RegionalStrategicHealthFrameworkNeedsAssessmentReport
- RHP15_SectionIContacts_2015
Executive Summaries of Categories 1-2 Projects
Original RHP 15 Plan Submissions
Prioritized List of 3 Year Projects
Region 15 final plan documents to CMS- 03.02.13
Regional Strategic Health Framework Needs Assessment Report
RHP 15 DSRIP Allocation for DYs 2-5
RHP Planning Protocol (DSRIP Menu) 10.01.12
Texas Waiver Project Summaries 02.28.13
TX DSRIP Protocol Approval 04.04.13
RHP Participants
- 120425 El Paso Children_s Hospital
- DSRIP Project 2_7 _ UPDATE _ DY5
- 111102 EPCH
- 120423 TTUHSC School of Medicine
- 120424 San Vicente
- 120501 Project Vida Health Center
- 120427 International Aids Empowerment
- 120509 Paso Del Norte Health Information Exchange
- 120502 Emergence Health Network
- 120502 Las Palmas Del Sol Healthcare
- 120504 Hospice El Paso Inc
- 120509 El Paso County Medical Society
- 120510 El Paso Specialty Hospital
- 120510 Providence Memorial Hospital
- 120510 Sierra Providence East
- 120517 El Paso Coalition for the Homeless
- 120518 Rescue Mission of El Paso
- 120523 El Paso Psychiatric Center
- 120606 Tender Care Home Health
- 120608 El Paso County Juvenile Justice Center
- 120611 El Paso Dept of Public Health
- 120613 VNA Home Healthcare _ Hospice
- 120723 County of El Paso
- 120806 UBH El Paso
- 120807 Salvation Army
- 120813 El Paso Child Guidance Center
- 120830 El Paso County Medical Society
- 121129 EPCMS _ RHP Letter
- 121212 EPMED _ DSRIP
- 120510 Sierra Medical Center
RHP Anchor Minutes
- 20120817_20TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20120914 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20120928 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20121026 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20121116 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20121214 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20130111 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20130215 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20130301 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20130322 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20130412 TP_AnchorMeeting _ RHP 17 letter
- 20130412 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20130517 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20130628 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20130726TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20131011 TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20140307TP_AnchorMeeting
- 20140321 TP_AnchorMeeting